Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Innovation -The Disruptive Age

Click to see video on host site, design mind

You know that A-ha! moment, when someone says something and all the puzzle pieces in your head come together. The Spark of genius that feeds your creativity so much you can't sleep. I would like to call this now a "Disruptive moment". Although right now these ideas go as far as my sketchbook or a portfolio, but maybe one day it will branch into a design company (per personal hire) and become a money making idea that fulfills personal creative goals.

Luke Williams, from Frog design, gave the keynote speech at the Frontiers of Interaction Conference in Rome. His talk, called “Thinking the Unthinkable: How To Spark Disruptive Innovation,” focused on learning to think about what is usually ignored and to pay attention to what is not obvious in design and business solutions.

His speech started with the innovations from Mac, from the ideas of competition, turning points of design, expected and unexpected design methods and how the weak can be winners; he used fantastic examples to tie in his explanations.

What I took from this speech is, its not always the most experienced individuals that can come up with the best ideas, but maybe the one that can think outside the box or maybe someone new who may have never worked on a project of its kind. What this speech is also telling me is that I should keep my life interesting, and surprise myself as much as I can; mix things up to keep the mind young, fresh, and disruptive.

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up".
Pablo Picasso


While looking for inspirations to make a custom design I came across Pook-a-Looz. It is a Disney Consumer Products line and its adorable. I always loved when Disney would sell the sketch-style Disney books and characters, but now Disney has taken it to another level. Shown above, from a picture of the website, is Woody from Toy Story if you couldn't tell. Visit disneypookalooz.com to see other characters, such as Snow White, Tinkerbell or the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Amanda Roberts' New Website

I designed a new website for myself! I'm still doing a bit of cleaning but please check it out at amandaroberts.info

Note to self: Change is good and it takes a lot of work to get there.

I started doing websites in 1999. I was doing websites by code, then designing with Dreamweaver, Javascript, and Flash, then with Photoshop and now with Fireworks.

What then took me a month or so to do is now taking me 4 days. Remember, embrace new technology and keep informed. Don't get stuck in your old ways, you may find the “new” is a hell of a lot easier and faster than you ever imagined.

Follow w3schools.com to educate yourself on website coding.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Today I has doing some updating to various accounts and fell upon Dan Della Vella's Twitter account from Buffalo Design Group (in Buffalo, NY). Dan had a great post for some real fun packaging designs. Click here and check out them out for yourself. My favorite is this Men's Perfume Bottle, as seen above, a concept from Polish design studio Ah&Oh. (image via: The Dieline)
See more packaging designs here from another tweet.


Today I was looking for ideas for a new website creation; I always start my "website inspirational search" with music artists. I find most artists have fantastic sites that truly pull you in. My favorite of the day is Norah Jones; I think it has to do with the sweet aspect that comes from the hand drawn type. Another favorite is Taylor Swift's site that looks more like a magazine layout with gorgeous photos.

See more webpages: 30 Beautiful websites. I have been staring at this page for two days, making sure I look at each link.